Computer Repairs
Computer Upgrades
Custom Built PCs
Server Solutions
Computer Networking
Internet Security
Data Backup
Computer Training


Website Design
Logo Design
Flash Design
Website Hosting
Email Hosting
Network Monitoring


We at Adocorp can build you a custom PC of your choice. If you want a basic system for browsing the web, reading e-mail, listening to music or word processing.. we can build one for you. Choosing the right hardware and software for your computer is vital in making it run smoothly and flawlessly. Sometimes "bang for the buck" technique doesn't work, meaning buying moderate parts at low cost instead of spending a little more for the quality stuff. Your system stability depends on the hardware and software which you install and operate on you computer. We know exactly what is good and what is bad for you. These are the systems we can build and support:
  • Workstation (For browsing the web, reading email, work, etc.)
  • Gaming System (High-end system for games and graphics)
  • Server (Central system for File Server, Web Server, etc.)
    (See: Server Solutions for more info .)

    Do you need a few computers in your home or small office installed? We can set it up for you and can also give you suggestion on what systems to get that will benefit your business 100%. Choosing the right systems for your business is very important where most of the valuable data are stored on the system itself.

    We can build you a state of the art Linux Firewall/Router machine for your network. These systems are meant to be the choke point between the Internet and your LAN (Local Area Network). By implementing Iptables, NAT and/or DHCP, you have a firewall and a router all-in-one on a dedicated machine. Your network will be more secure and you'll have more control over it.

    Contact us to recieve an estimate quote.